Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Wednesday Weigh In

Go me ... go me!

I'm happy, excited and celebrating me! Although I did not stick with the eating plan 100% due to an outing to the Photo Expo, a visit to the US Consulate and a slice of divine cheesecake last night, I still lost.  I admit, I was far more focussed and conscious this week and it paid off.  Last night, a second slice of cheesecake was tempting, but I told it to be quiet and packed it in the container for the men of the house to enjoy today.

Todays Weigh In :

Weight                 : 78.2 kgs
Loss this week     : 1kg
Total loss to date : 900g (sadly I had picked up 100g when I weighed in last week)
Goal weight         : 74 kgs (Goal set according to Weigh Less calculation)
To reach goal      : 4.2 kg

I'm hoping to achieve the above goal within the next 4 weeks.  I will admit, that I'd like to get down to 70kgs, but am not pressuring myself with that right now, once I reach goal weight, I get a few more points on my Vitality and I'm working hard towards attaining my points.  In the meantime though,  I'm just so thrilled to see the scale actually moving in the downward direction instead of upwards as it did last week.


I did the Bikini Blast 1 (or so I thought, but somehow got to the second one - either way - they work you) workout mentioned in yesterdays post this morning and then this evening will go to the gym with my boys and hit the treadmill.  Unfortunately, my home workouts don't register on my Vitality Health points so I don't 'earn' anything for them.  So going to the gym and hitting the treadmill at least it counts.

Well friends, that's my story for the day - hope you're having a magical day.

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