When my sister rejoined Weigh-Less she had two new cookbooks that she had bought at her meeting which had some mighty fine recipes in them, so I asked her to buy them for me, which she kindly did. This week, I needed some inspiration and took a peep at the Dinner one and found a recipe for 'meatballs' or as they were better know in the old South Africa, Frikkadels (you got to say that with an Afrikaans accent though).
So I bought all the ingredients, did the preparation before lunchtime, popped them in the fridge as per the instructions and then finished them off later in the afternoon. I did add a few extra herbs to the recipe and also made a 1kg batch as I have no idea what I'd do with a spare 250g of mince.
I'm not the best meatball maker but Moms meatballs are famous and in demand in our family and I felt a little apprehensive going into this whole frikkadel making event ... but, the men in my household loved them. Schatz who when I handed him his dinner plate told me he didn't think he'd finish half of his plate as he'd only eaten his lunch at around 15:30, ended up having seconds. The boys raved and I'm just happy I've found a recipe that works.
I made them all meatballs sandwiches with some of the left overs for work and school today ... its worth trying this recipe.
1 Serve = 1 Veg + 1 ½ Protein
Serves 8 – Suitable for members on all Steps
Prep time : 10 min
Cooking time : 40 min
200g tomato
200g onion
20ml Weigh-Less Extra Virgin Olive Oil
750g lean beef mince
40g rolled oats, raw
100ml Ultramel Skim Milk
25ml brown vinegar
½ sachet Knorr Cup-a-Soup Lite, Spicy Tomato
Weigh-Less Non-Stick Spray
salt and pepper

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