My knees were feeling achy yesterday and I battled going up and down the stairs, so I opted not to go to gym yesterday. However, after chatting with my sister yesterday we decided to meet today as I wanted to check out what the BodyCon class was about, although I did not join it as I wanted to just see what it was about - I think its just a new name for the traditional Aerobics class. I think I'll stick with the Rebounding class for the moment, should my schedule allow, as the impact on the joints is not as extreme. I'd love if they'd offer it in the late afternoon or on Saturdays as well.
Glenvista Fitness Centre
What : A quick workout
15 minutes treadmill
3 sets of 8 reps Glute
6 sets of 8 reps Hip Abductor
3 sets of 8 reps Back extensions
3 sets of 8 reps Seated row
3 sets of 8 reps Bench Press
Lynn and Connor both worked real hard. When we were leaving, Lynn asked if I'd like to join them for coffee and I suggested that they come round to my house and I'd make them Peanut butter banana nut smoothie. The smoothies were divine. My boys have been spoilt with smooties every morning this past week and the peanut butter one was at Jarods' request. I looked for some recipes on the net and found a basic one and then pumped it up by adding the nuts and oats.
Peanut Butter Banana Nut Smoothie
1 x medium banana
1 cup low fat milk
1 tbsp honey
2 tbsp smooth peanut butter
1/2 cup oats
5 almonds
4 ice cubes
Add all to a blender and whizz - serve and enjoy!
Have a happy healthy day.
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